**Note, if an emergency, train derailment, or air crash occurs call 911!**
About the LEPC
Since 1986, every community has been required by the Federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) to have a locally operated organization for developing hazardous materials response plans. The section that covers this is Title III, also known as the Emergency Preparedness and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). These non-profit organizations are known as Local Emergency Preparedness Committees (LEPCs). LEPCs are tasked with providing support for first responders' hazardous materials education, community awareness, and disaster preparedness. They are made up of:
Police and Fire departments
Healthcare professionals like EMS, Hospitals, and Public Health Agencies
Local businesses
Facilities that manufacture, store, or transport hazardous chemicals
Transportation officials
Emergency Management
Community environmental organizations
Other organizations that are important in the community
For more information on the LEPC program, follow the link below.

How to Shelter In Place (SIP) with Wally Wise Guy
Wally Wise Guy is a LEPC creation. Wally is a helpful turtle mascot that teaches children how to shelter in place when responding to a chemical emergency. Why a turtle? Because turtles are great at sheltering in place which is what you should do in a chemical emergency!
For a few tips for you and your family to shelter in place click: Shelter in Place
What is Shelter-in-Place?
In a situation where a serious hazardous chemical spill has quickly caused a toxic atmosphere, it may be more dangerous to go through those toxic vapors or to attempt to outrun them than to stay in an existing structure. Shelter-in-Place means to get to the inside of a building and remain there during a chemical emergency rather than attempting to evacuate the area. Shelter-in-Place is a viable option for protection against exposure to potentially dangerous airborne chemicals during an emergency.
Why Should I Shelter-in-Place?
During a hazardous materials incident, the idea is to keep everyone's exposure to any chemical as low as possible. It is best to get out of the area and have no exposure, but in a sudden chemical release there may not be time to safely evacuate. In such cases, attempts to evacuate could place you at greater risk of exposure than if you had stayed in your home or workplace. Shelter-in-place is used when there has been a serious hazardous chemical spill that has quickly caused a toxic atmosphere and there is not enough time to safely leave the area. When you shelter-in-place, you take protective action in a structure to reduce exposure to toxic chemical levels. So, unless otherwise instructed to evacuate, sheltering-in-place could be the best way to safely wait out a hazardous chemical release.

The following are the 2024 Meeting dates:
January 18* / February 15 / March 21 / April 18 / May 16 / June 20 / July 18 / August 15* / September 19 / October 17 / November 21 / December 19
*Historically, semi-annual meetings are held in the months of January and August. Therefore, the January and August steering committee meetings may not be necessary. Steering Committee meetings are typically held on the third Thursday each month from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Tuscaloosa County Extension Office Auditorium, 2513 7th Street, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
The Tuscaloosa County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) semi‐annual meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 16, 2025 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m. Please RSVP no later than Thursday, January 9, 2025. To RSVP Click Here. Each person attending must register separately, and indicate if you are joining for lunch.
EPCRA Reporting Requirements to the LEPC
EPCRA requires facilities that manufacture, store, and transport certain hazardous materials to report information about the hazards at their facilities to the LEPC. Click below for a summary of these requirements: (Note the LEPC email address is now tuscaloosalepc@gmail.com)
Release Notification Reports
Facilities are required to report certain releases of hazardous substances covered under CERCLA Section 103 and EPCRA Section 304 to the LEPC. Initial release notification can be made by calling the EMA at 205-349-0150. Within 30 days of the release, a follow up form must be submitted to the LEPC at tuscaloosalepc@gmail.com. Access the form from the link below: **Note, if an emergency, train derailment, or air crash occurs call 911!**
Tier II Reports
All Tier II reporters in Tuscaloosa County are required to file their annual reports electronically. Please send in your Tier II reports by emailing a .t2s file to tuscaloosalepc@gmail.com. Click the button below for Tier II reporting instructions. Tier II submissions must be entered no later than March 1st.
LEPC Questionnaire
All facilities who report an EHS (Extremely Hazardous Substance) on their Tier II are also required to fill out the LEPC Questionnaire. A link to the questionnaire can be found below.
This questionnaire is required to be turned into the LEPC for review. Forms are stored in a secure area at the Tuscaloosa County Emergency Management Agency. You may also include a copy of your emergency plan if desired.
The LEPC Questionnaire is essential for the review of the hazards in Tuscaloosa County by the LEPC Hazard Analysis Committee. The evaluation helps determine needs such as training, personal, and response coordination for the Tuscaloosa County Emergency Officials.
Once the questionnaire is complete it can be submitted to LEPC by tuscaloosalepc@gmail.com