***For Emergencies Dial 911***
You can now text 911
First Responders
Tuscaloosa County Sheriff's Office: 205-752-0616
Tuscaloosa Police and Fire: 205-349-2121
Northport Police and Fire: 205-339-6600
Moundville Police: 205-371-2218
NorthStar EMS 205-259-8367
Alabama's State Trooper (Tuscaloosa): 205-553-0729
Agencies and Local Non Profits
Tuscaloosa County 911 (non-emergency #): 205-710-6775
Tuscaloosa Co. Health Department: 205-562-6900
Tuscaloosa City Schools: 205-759-3700
Tuscaloosa County Schools: 205-758-0411
Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter 205-752-9101
United Way and it's 26 partner agencies: 205-345-6640
211 Help Line- Can be reached by dialing 211 and entering your zip code
American Red Cross: 205-758-3608
Salvation Army: 205-632-3609
Report Power Outage:
For a statewide outage map CLICK HERE
- If this is a dangerous condition, including downed power lines, please call 1-800-888-2726
- For Alabama Powers Outage Map CLICK HERE
- To report a power outage, please call: 1-855-462-9362
- When reporting here are two important pieces of information that you will need. The account number or meter number can be used to report an outage in your area more easily.